Software engineer and hobbyist UI/UX designer based in Toronto, Canada
Perfect Gradients in CSS via Easing and the LAB Color Space
Benefits of easing linear gradients in CSS and using LAB colour space to create smoother and more visually pleasing colour transitions.
Running Linux-only binaries under FreeBSD
Running Linux-only binaries under FreeBSD using its Linux binary compatibility tools and Jails
Embracing Modern Data Validation in EmberJS
With Ember's shift away from Mixins and Computed Properties towards more standard JavaScript syntax and patterns, I wanted to detail how I wrote a new utility for validating Models, leveraging TypeScript, yup, and Tracked properties in order to leave behind old patterns and provide strict type-safety
Mixing WebSockets & HTTP endpoints in Elixir with Cowboy + Plug
Using a custom dispatcher structure for mixing HTTP and WebSocket endpoints in a simple Plug-based Elixir API
Chaining Javascript Style Calls with Proxies
A quick demonstration on how Proxies function in JavaScript
Custom Notifications with 'gdbus call' + 'wired-notify'
DSLR Cameras as Webcams on Linux
Using DSLR or Mirrorless cameras as 'webcams' on Linux thanks to v4l2
Using a Yubikey for SSH Authentication on MacOS / Linux
How to authenticate SSH connections using your Yubikey's Authentication slot, on both Linux and MacOS.