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Maxim Dietz


Software engineer at Gravitational and hobbyist UI/UX designer based in Toronto, Canada

Say hello

If you want to reach out, I'm most responsive via email. You can send one my way at , or reach out via Discord DMs @kiosion . I'm always down to chat!


Want to send a secure message my way? Here's my main PGP key: D1FD DE24 BB72 BFEF E045 ECE0 8A2C 67E2 2184 F162


This site was built with ️❤️, Erlang, and Svelte. The front-end is hosted on AWS and its API is run in GCP Cloud Run instances. If you're interested in the details, I wrote a short recap about creating the site .

Want to check out some random experiments / widgets? Visit /experiments